Christiana & Adam

Christiana & Adam

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Pain of Waiting

Sitting in a recital listening to kids play and just wondering if I will get that chance. The chance to watch my child play piano after being taught to play by their Grandmother. The chance to watch my child perform for family and friends. The only way I can get that chance is by the miracle of open-adoption and with the help of family and friends.

Some days it seems that we are so far away from adoption and other days it seems so close. Right now Adam and I are in the middle of the open-adoption process. After a very long time we are now completing the home-study phase

At this moment I am overwhelmed with the process and how much we have to still do. The amount of stuff that I have to juggle in order to make this happen sometimes overwhelm me. I have to find a way to raise almost $20,000 before we can finalize the adoption; find someone to hire me knowing that all of the money that I make will go to our adoption; writing blog posts about our adoption and trying keep a balance between light and fun and emotional; planning fund-raising events; and keeping up with the paperwork that the adoption agency requires.

For example we have to come up with  four to five thousand to enter the adoption pool. How you ask? The answer: I have no idea but somehow we will find a way. That is what Adam and I always do: find a way. I know that in the end it will all be worth it when I hold my child in my arms. But why does getting there have to be so hard....


  1. It is such a shame when you are trying to do something that is so right and so needed that you have to jump through all the hoops and then pay out thousands of dollars. I wish you both the best.

  2. Thank you for your support. It helps.
